One of the most common calibration services provided by calibration laboratories is meter calibration. Flow meters are frequently referred to when the term "meter calibration" is used. Calibration is critical for all industries that utilize flow meters in their regular operations. Raw water circulation and oxygenation circulation dimensions may both be measured using flow meters.

Meter Accuracy

Poorly calibrated flow meters can lead to serious problems. While it is possible that an inaccurate flow meter could damage equipment, a larger concern is improper readings. Consider flow meters that are used to indicate the amount of gas used to heat a home. The reading from the meter is used to determine the gas bill total. If the meter is reading higher than actual usage, the home owner gets overcharged. If the reading indicates lower than actual usage, the utility company loses money. Other situations, such as process conformance and product quality can be effected by flow meter inaccuracy.


The best way to ensure accuracy is by regular flow meter calibration testing. During testing, a calibration technician verifies reading accuracy. If the flow meter is not operating properly, the technician can adjust the instrument or make minor repairs. Once it is established that the instrument is working correctly, the instrument passes testing.

Make the right choice, and get your flow meters calibrated at an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory, such as POWERPRO laboratory. POWERPRO offers a full range of mass flow meter calibration and repair services for all popular mass flow meter models. Services offered include mass flow meter calibration and repair for Brooks flow meters, Sierra Instruments, Alicat flow meters, Great Plains flow meters, and other leading flow meter brands. When it comes to liquid and gas flow meter measurement, POWERPRO flow meter calibration services assures customers with affordable and reliable flow meter calibration services.

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